Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #31

Here we are at the last challenge. I kept up, and did them all! The last challenge is: create today's layout with a vintage, homemade "flavor." Vintage doesn't come easy for me. When I think vintage, I tend to think Christmas without the cute. So, here's my attempt. Thanks Lori for the summer fun!!!


  1. Linda, this layout is simple yet elegant, and elegant really goes with vintage. Great job!

  2. LOL - "Christmas without cute" I would say this is definitely vintage in feel. And awesome work on doing all the challenges! 31 over 8 weeks! I bow down to ya'!

  3. Beautiful layout! Glad to have you joining us at Papertrey Playhouse!

  4. Great layout!! I need to get back to my scrapbooking more!! Glad there is another scrapbooker in the Playhouse!

  5. Great layout! Love all the little details!
